League Competition – Close-Up
11th February 2025 @ 19:30 – 22:00
Judge: Penny Piddock EFIAP DPAGB
Close-Up images showing the closest position possible, although you do not need to use a special macro lens or a camera with a macro setting. The subject should be magnified and seen larger than with the naked eye.
DPI’s x2
All DPI’s to be JPEG (.jpg) and resized to 1600 x 1200 pixels for landscape and no higher than 1200 pixels for portraits. Images to be submitted to the Competition Secretary by no later than Midnight on the Friday prior to the competition. Images submitted after this time will not be accepted.
Prints x2
All entries to be mounted on fairly thick card, either straight onto the card or recessed within a cut out window. Prints to be no larger A3 with mounts no larger than 40 x 50cm. Prints to be brought on the night and placed on the display boards for viewing.