About Us
Weymouth Camera Club welcomes all photographers.
Our indoor meetings are held at the Centenary Club, Weymouth at 7.30pm on Tuesday evenings from October through to the beginning of May. We have a wide and varied winter programme which includes visiting speakers, audio-visual presentations, regular monthly league competitions, evenings with other local clubs and member’s nights where members have a chance to share their work-in-progress and get feedback from fellow photographers.
In the summer we have walks and outings to places of photographic interest, as well as a social outing and a skittles night, both of which are very popular. Regular raffles are held to boost funds.
The culmination of the season is an Annual Competition and prize-giving night. All prints entered into the Annual Competition go on display in our Annual Exhibition.
The club is affiliated to the Western Counties Photographic Federation and we take part in the competitions and activities that they organise.
We hope to see you soon.