News Letter March 2022
Hello Everyone,
Your Committee held a meeting last week where plans for the future were discussed. Here is a summary of the meeting followed by some key dates.
1. The Treasurer, Joy, has decided to step down from her position. We thank Joy for her years of commitment and service to the club.
We are now looking for a new Treasurer so if you feel you would like to take on the role, please contact Ted to discuss the position. Joy assures me that it is not too onerous a task and she is willing to help the person who takes over.
2. The Committee felt that the Xmas meal had been successful and are considering booking the Gardener’s Retreat Restaurant again this year if conditions allow.
3. The Committee decided to go ahead with the Annual Exhibition and Open Day along the same lines as last year. The Centenary Club has been booked for Sat. 21st May from 9.30am. The Exhibition will open from 11.00am to 4.00pm. Mick will be asking, nearer the time, for volunteers to help with the setting up etc.
4. The Committee also decided to hold the Annual Awards Evening in the evening of the same day starting at 7.30pm. Mick and Ruth are in the process of booking the Judge and Guest of Honour.
The Committee propose to hold a raffle at the event so details of this will follow.
5. Looking further ahead, there was a discussion about the format next season would take. If all goes well, we intend to hold meetings at the Centenary Club again from Tuesday 4th October. We would like to book a number of guest speakers and judges from other parts of the country as we have for our Zoom meetings. To facilitate this, we would use Zoom and project it onto the large screen. We may also be able to allow people to view the meeting from home if for some reason they are unable to attend.
6. The Committee would also like to re-introduce the prints element to the competitions. One idea is to hold a prints-only competition evening with a local judge but the details of this are still to be finalised.
Your thoughts and ideas on any of the above points would be welcome so please send them to me and we can have a discussion at a future club meeting.
Forward Planning, from Steve.
I needed to sort out the dates for handing in images for competitions for myself and thought it might be an idea to share them!
22nd March “Close Up” Competition. Hand in date Sunday 13th March.
12th April “Man Made” Competition. Hand in date Sunday 3rd April.
Annual Competition. Hand in date by the 10th April.
3rd May Landscape Competition. Hand in date Sunday 24th April.
17th May Creative Competition. Hand in date Sunday 8th May.